About Me, Gen

I write to untangle life’s complexities, and form human connections — one story at a time.

Gen Li
8 min readMar 20, 2024

Hi there, and thanks for stopping by!

I’ve only been on Medium for a little over 2 months, and in just a few short weeks, the community has already become very near and dear to my heart. I initially joined Medium just to help bolster my bank account, but I’m realizing that my soul is reaping the benefits much more than my bank account is.

Medium has become a haven that allows me to bare my soul, form new human connections, build bridges, and create life-affirming bonds.

You can read more about what my journey with Medium has been like here:

And because it’s already become so much more than just a side hustle, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself a little bit more.

If this is your first time reading something of mine, this piece can hopefully give you some idea of who I am, why I write and what I write so it’ll be easier and quicker for you to decide if I’d be someone you might be interested in forming a new connection with.

No hard feelings if you don’t, I promise.



Gen Li

I write to untangle life's complexities. I write to connect, one heartfelt story at a time.